ABC's of First Grade

ABC ‘s of First grade!


Absences: If your child is absent please let the office know that morning. You may send a signed note the next day to avoid any unexcused absences.

If your child will be absent for any extended period of time please let me know a few days in advance so I can prepare any work they may miss while gone.

Arrivals: Please drop off your child in the back of the school between 7:30-8:00. They will then walk to the cafeteria to wait for me to pick them up. Please remember we are promoting independence so unless absolutely necessary, please allow them to come in alone.

Attendance: Anyone arriving after 8:05 will be marked tardy. It is important that they arrive at school on time because each minute in the classroom is valuable to their learning. If you are tardy please walk your child to the office and check them in. Please see the student handbook for more information on tardies and absences.


Backpacks: It is very important that your child bring a backpack to school everyday to ensure that items are brought to and from school safely. Please make sure their name is on the backpack somewhere.

Blog: I have set up a classroom blog for us this year! This will be a great way to keep in consistent contact with each other and all our happenings in our classroom!  Many of the hands-on lessons and experiments that we implement on a daily basis are things that are not able to be taken home.  This will be a great way to see what we are doing inside the classroom…with pictures, words, and documentation!! 

Birthdays: If you would like to send a treat with your child for his/her birthday please feel free to do so. We will have our birthday treats during our snack time only. We will not allow birthday treats in the cafeteria during lunch. Please do not send birthday invitations to school unless you have enough for everyone.

Behavior Management: In my classroom in have 5 rules:

  1. Raise your hand before speaking
  2. Use a quite voice
  3. Listen to everyone
  4. Clean up after yourself
  5. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself

A lot of time is spent at the beginning of the year discussing these rules and what they mean. Good behavior management is essential to our learning environment.

I like to use positive reinforcement in my classroom by recognizing when the students are making good choices. This can be done with verbal praise, sending a happy note home and occasionally with stickers. My goal is for each child to be motivated to make good decisions because it is the right thing to do, not because they are rewarded.

Please encourage, at home, the proper behavior that is expected in the classroom.

Breakfast: Please make sure that your child eats breakfast each morning. We want them ready to learn when they arrive at school and it needs to be done on a full stomach! Breakfast can be bought in the cafeteria in the mornings. To set up a breakfast plan, please contact the office.


Communication: Parent/teacher communication is very important to me. Please contact me any time with any questions or comments you may have. You may send a note in your child’s folder or contact me by the following:


School phone: 469-892-5556

Conferences: Parent/teacher conferences will be held through out the year at the end of grading periods. Please look for information regarding these in your child’s folder.

If you would like to set up a separate conference with me, please feel free to contact me anytime so we can set up a time that will work for both of us.

Clubs: Harmony offers after school clubs Monday through Friday. They take place from 3:15-4:15. We do not have clubs on Wednesdays due to weekly faculty meetings. Each club is $20 a month. If you would like to enroll your child in a club please look for the club sign up that will be going home or contact the front office for more details.


Discipline: As stated previously in behavior management, we strive for good behavior in our classroom. I expect each student to follow the rules at all times, however, there are times when rules are not followed and there are consequences.

We will have a chart hung up in our classroom. Each day students start on the color green which is Ready to Learn. Each student will have the opportunity to move up or down the chart throughout the day. The choice is theirs. If students are making excellent choices throughout the day they will move up the chart to blue or even higher to purple. If students are having trouble making good choices they will move down the chart to yellow, orange or red. Yellow is a warning, Orange is a loss of privilege, and Red is a note or call home.

Students will have a monthly calendar in their take home folder. At the end of each day I will make a note in the folder to indicate the color that they were on at the end of the day. As always, we hope for green!

Dismissal: Full day dismissal time is at 2:45. We will walk the students to the front and students will be responsible for watching for their car. I will walk the students to their car and ensure they are safely inside. If you are going to walk up to get your student, please park your car out of the car line and wait on the sidewalk.

If someone other than the usual will be picking up your student please make sure that you send a note to me and let the front office know. Also, please make sure that your child is aware of who will be picking them up that day.

Pick up runs from 2:45 to 3:15. Please be sure that you are on time. Thirty minutes is a very long time for a small child to wait to be picked up. If you are late it the school will charge you a fee before they release your student.


Early Dismissal: If you need to pick your child up early for any reason you will need to sign him/her out in the front office. The office will call my classroom and let me know they are leaving and I will send them up.

If there is to be an early release day at school a note will be sent home in Wednesday mail or in their take-home folder.

Emergency Information: Emergency information must be kept updated in the office!! I will be sending home a sheet for you to fill out that I will keep in a binder in my classroom so I can have the information at hand. Please make sure that if there are any changes you let me know immediately.


Field Trips: We will be going on two field trips per semester. All field trip information and forms will be sent home at least three weeks prior to the day of the field trip. Please make sure that you turn in the signed forms by the due date. This is very important to ensure your student a spot on the trip. If forms are not turned in on time, he/she will not go. Unless otherwise indicated, sack lunches are required for field trips. Make sure that the lunch bag and all contents are able to be thrown away. Parent volunteers are always welcome and encouraged.


Grades: There will be a minimum of 6 grades per academic area. Assignments will graded and recorded in the database within one week of their due date. Students will receive progress reports every 3 weeks. Not every assignment your student does will be recorded in the grade book.  Many will be checked for completion and understanding.

Grading Policy for first grade:

A: Approaching

M: Mastered

N: Needs improvement


Homework: Monthly homework packets will go home at the beginning of each month. Each day will contain a fun educational activity for your child to complete. Please send this each day in your child’s folder to be checked for a homework grade.

Each student will be expected to read for 20 minutes each night. They will record the books they have read in a reading log and it will be initialed by you each night. This will begin the second week of school.

Additional homework will be sent throughout the year in addition to practicing their spelling words and sight words.

Home visits: Home visits are unique to Harmony. They are a special time for teachers to bond with their students and parents. These short visits make the student feel like they mean something outside of the classroom to the teacher. Home visits are not mandatory!! Please do not confuse these with a parent conference. If you have specific concerns please set up a parent/teacher conference with me at the school.


Independence: Independence is an important goal for the students. It promotes self-esteem and self confidence. First graders are capable of doing many things on their own and I encourage them to do as much as they can for themselves in the classroom. Please work on the following self-help skills with your child at home: zipping, tying, dressing, etc.

Illness: Your child’s health is very important in order for optimum learning to occur. If your child is sick please keep him/her home until he/she is well. Remember to send a note upon return so the absence can be excused.

Journaling: Writing/journaling will take place each day in the classroom. Writing, in all forms, are very important. Encourage your child to write at home as often as possible. Writing lists and labeling pictures are just a couple of ways to expand their skills.


Keeping updated: Please frequently check our classroom blog for updates on what we are doing in our classroom


Lunch: We will go to lunch each day from 11:00-11:25. You are welcome to join your child in the cafeteria for lunch once a month, please be sure to sign in the office first and receive your visitor’s badge.

Please be sure to keep up with your child’s lunch account. Students may be denied lunch if the account is unpaid. You may contact the front office to place more money on your students lunch account or to set one up.

Lunch Boxes: You student may bring his/her own lunch to school. Please make sure that the lunch box is labeled with his/ her name and remind them that they are responsible for keeping up with it. We will NOT heat up food in the cafeteria. Please send items that can be eaten cold/room temperature.

Lost and Found: If your child looses an item that may belong to them, please check the lost and found located in the front office. To ensure that your items can be found and identified please label anything that you send to school with your child’s first and last name.


Money: If you are sending money to school with your students, please make sure that is placed in an envelope with their name on it, the amount and what it is for. Please place the envelop in their take home folder


News: Please check our blog for the latest news. This will keep you up to date on what is going on in the classroom as well as inform you on the weeks spelling words and homework.


Outside: Weather permitting, we will be going outside twice a day for recess. Please make sure your child has the appropriate outside attire.


Parties: We will have classroom parties during certain times of the year. I would like all activities planned and run by parent volunteers. If you would like to be on the party planning committee please sign up on the form I am sending home. All items for the party are donated by parents.


Questions: Anytime you have questions do not hesitate to contact me anytime via email or phone.


Recess: We will go out for recess once a day if weather permits. Please make sure that your child has a jacket when the weather gets cooler.

Please do not allow your child to bring toys from home to play with outside at recess. We will have balls and equipment for the students to play with.

Report Cards: Report cards will be sent home at the end of each six weeks.

Restroom: We will have two group restroom times each day, one before lunch and one in the afternoon. Students are expected to go the restroom at theses times. If he/she has to go to the restroom at any other time during the day they will be permitted to go as long as it is not during direct instruction and they have not abused their restroom privileges. Playing in the bathroom will result in a color change.


Snacks: We will have a snack time each afternoon. Students will need to bring their own snacks and drinks from home.

Specials: Students will participate in specials each day for 50 minutes. They are expected to participate in P.E., Art, Music, Health, Gymnastics and Engineering. As soon as I know the schedule for these, I will send that home with you. Please make sure on gym days your child is wearing comfortable shoes.

Student Handbook: Please look to the student handbook for school wide policies and uniform information. If you did not receive a student handbook, please let me know and I can send one home for you as soon as possible.


Take Home Folder: These folders are our way of maintaining daily communication. It is VERY important that you check your child’s folder daily. This is the way I will send home behavior notices, field trip info and other important information. Homework will also be sent and returned in this folder. This is also a way for you to send me notes or return any signed forms.

Toys: Toys will not be allowed in the classroom. If he/she has a toy it will be taken up and returned directly to you. These can become a distraction to them and others around them.

Transportation: If there are any transportation changes please let me know as soon as possible. It will be best to send a note in the folder or email.


Uniforms: Students are expected to come each day in their school uniform. If he/she comes to school missing any part of the uniform, he/she will be sent to the office and a phone call home will be made. Free dress days are handed out throughout the year but may only be used for that specific date. School uniforms can be bought in the front office. Please see the student handbook for specific uniform rules.


Visitors/Volunteers: Please check into the front office when you arrive to receive your visitor’s badge. Please be sure to bring your drivers license for them to scan.

Water Bottles: Water bottles are allowed and encouraged. It is a way for them to stay hydrated without having to leave to go to the water fountain. Please make sure that his/her name is on the bottle.


eXit and Entry: Parents must exit and enter through the main school entrance/exit. You will wait at the office if you are picking up your child or if you are entering the school you will need a badge. You will not be allowed to walk around to the portable building.


You: Your suggestions and ideas are always welcome. You are the most important adult in your child’s life and you know them best. I will value your input.


Zzzz’s: Please make sure your child is fully rested when they come to school. Setting and maintaining a bedtime is a good way to ensure maximum potential.

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