Star Student

Every week we will pick a new "STAR STUDENT" for the week.  I will have 2 baskets in the classroom.  One basket will say "I saw you do something good" and one will say "You stretched your brain".  If I see a student doing something good for someone else, for example, they picked up a pencil for somebody (yes...can be something as simple as this for the beginning of the year) then that student gets their name in the basket.  The same will go for stretching your brain.  If someone makes a really great comment like "I noticed there are 2 vowels in that word" they get their name in the basket.  Of course I will start out with more simple in the beginning of the school year and then begin expecting more "thinking" from them.  I  will tally up the total of each basket of names every Friday.  The student with the most amount of names will be "STAR STUDENT" for the following week.  Being Star Student involves being my "helper" throughout the week.  They are line leader, hand out papers, supplies, etc.  We will have a Star Student job chart hanging in our classroom at all times.  At the end of the week they will receive their certificate and prize!!

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