Thursday, August 9, 2012

Welcome to First Grade!!

We are about to start the beginning of another exciting school year!  I can't wait to meet all of you and all of your first graders!  I know your children may be feeling a bit uneasy and anxious about their first few days in first grade but I will do my best to make sure all of my students feel very welcomed!!  This is my second year teaching first grade here at Harmony and I'm looking forward to another fun and exciting school year.  Please continue checking my blog on a continuous basis.  We will be implementing MANY MANY lessons and activities that just won't be able to be taken home with them.  This will be a fabulous way to keep you all posted with our "hands-on" activities happening everyday in our classroom.  I will always be adding pictures, descriptions, and student words.  This will also allow you to then talk with your child at home about specific things like "I saw a picture on Ms. Baum's blog that you are learning about the Moon...what did you learn about the moon so far?"  I truly believe in the importance of family and school connection so this will be one more way for you all to know how much your child is learning in First Grade!

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