Tuesday, October 16, 2012

'Max's Words'

I will try to make a long story short about a new project that we are getting ready for in our classroom.  Our Reading Specialist, Ms. Blangger, let us borrow one of her books titled 'Max's Words'.  We absolutely loved it!  The main character in the story, Max, started cutting words out of magazines, newspapers, etc.  He then had the brilliant idea of putting these words together to make a story.  As a class, we decided to try and do the same thing as Max.  We are going to add old newspapers and magazines to one of our Literacy Stations "Working with Words".  After a couple weeks (when we have plenty of cut-out words) we are going to start creating our own book!!  We are asking for any donations of old reading materials that we can cut up! (so please do not send anything with your child that you want back in one piece:)) Thanks parents!!

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